Thursday, December 25, 2014

Ban the Box - Does it gives ex-convicts a chance at a better job opportunity?

Does banning the box give ex-convicts a better chance at landing a better job?

The Ban the Box law will remove any questions or reference to your criminal history from an employment application.  This law also delays background checks until further into the interviewing or onboarding process.  Several states are already on board to implement this new law.  Some cities are already taking this law into effect now.  The EEOC, Equal Employment Opportunity Commissions, is making sure this law is implemented.  In New Jersey this law is referred to as the New Jersey Opportunity to Compete Act.  This law in New Jersey will go into effect on March 1, 2015.

An applicant can be a current employee as well.  What if the applicant brings up their criminal history during the initial interview process? Then the employer may make inquiries about the applicant’s criminal record during the Initial Employment Application Process (IEAP) - See more at:

The following states have enacted statewide Ban the Box laws, for private and public companies:
California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico, and Rhode Island

By prolonging or putting off asking an applicant this question does it really give an ex-convict a better chance at a better job opportunity or will it be a waste of time for the both the employer and the applicant?

What is your take on this issue?


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